Hi - I have a large table and I need to find two criteria (year and name) and return the number on the same line in column B.
I can do this two ways, one with SUMIFS (even though I'm not actually summing anything) or an Index/Match Array.
I have to do this in a lot of different ways throughout the workbook and I want it to be as efficient as possible regarding calculations.
Which is better/faster?
{=IFERROR(INDEX(Table04[[#All],[Tution and Fees per FTE Student]],MATCH(P$9,IF(Table04[[#All],[YEAR]]=$H10,Table04[[#All],[Institution Name]]),0)),0)}
=SUMIFS(Table04[[#All],[Tution and Fees per FTE Student]],Table04[[#All],[Institution Name]],Q$9,Table04[[#All],[YEAR]],$H10)
Thank you!