We are trying to create a timesheet that will auto-calculate the number of hours worked and also the number of those hours that are standard rate, time and a half rate and double rate.
The main sheet will have 7 main columns (A1:G1): Date, Start Time, Finish Time, Total Hrs Worked, Standard Rate Hrs, x1.5 rate Hrs, x2.0 rate Hrs.
Is there a simple way to do this assuming the hours are calculated thus:
Standard Rate - 09:00 to 17:00
x1.5 Rate - 17:01 to 23:59
x2.0 Rate 00:00 to 08:59
Sunday - 00:00 to 23:59 is at x2.0 rate all day
I got as far as calculating the total hours worked but couldn't figure out the way to convert them into the right hourly rate columns