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List names of other worksheets as data/text in a column of the "master worksheet"

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    Red face List names of other worksheets as data/text in a column of the "master worksheet"

    Honoured Excel Masters!

    Here's my challenge that I humbly ask you to help me with:

    I want set up a workbook with a "master worksheet" at the beginning (i.e. Sheet1) with a column that lists the names of the other worksheets/tabs in the workbook, automatically updated as I add or rename these other worksheets/tabs. Once I can grab the names of the other worksheets, I can easily reference their data for displaying in the other columns of the master worksheet.

    Is there a way to do this with just regular formulas and functions? Or is it necessary to make a macro?

    NOTE: For my purpose it would actually be better to reference worksheets by numbers and not codenames, since I'd like to keep my table in the master worksheet sorted in the same order as the additional worksheets (i.e. if I reorder the sheets, I want the table in the master worksheet to be reordered as well).

    Thank you so much in advance for any help!
    Last edited by ExcelHack3r; 10-31-2013 at 09:14 AM. Reason: Solved.

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