First of all, I appologise for my english, as I am portuguese, as so the function and formula names are. Hope you manage to comply.
In this sheet I am trying to create an angle generator for my modeling hobbie porpuse. As you may see, all the generation abbility is done for a single block amplitude sequence. Never the less, I am trying to calculate the possibility of introducing one and more (for so on) larger blocks or empty spaces in the sequence (Its named "cordas", in portuguese). So I have done it for the first one (column CP25), I am unabble to do it for the second and next (column CQ25). If the second "corda" (column CQ25) is too large and is set for an angle by wich it lapses over the 360 degrees angle sum, I assume the overlaped remaining amplitude in the begining of the first column (column CP25), replacing the 0 degrees amplitude; but, it changes all the angle sequence in this first column (column CP25), as so the future starting angle of the second "corda", and by wich it is set, over all, the remaining amplitude for that "corda", that goes beyond the full 360 degrees in the second column (column CQ25). I must say that, as you may see, the first angle ("ângulo de entrada", in portuguese) possibilities are determined in the following sequence, from the first "corda" end angle ("angulo final", in portuguese) and only beyond that, so the available angles are, basicly, equal to the ones in the first column (column CP25) until the second "corda" first angle is set.
As you may have noticed already, my problem is that I can't fix both columns simultaneously in order to find an acceptable equilibrium between the normal sequence angles that are implied from the choice of the second "corda" first angle. Is that possible?
Hope you can help me.