The following formula works:


All this formula says is that If I have a 1, 2, 3... 12 in this cell, then create a hyperlink ending in "(?)", where ? is a number depending on what I put in (either a 1, 2, 3... 12).

What I did now is rather than manually inputting in this 1, 2, 3... 12, I have it reference Sheet1!J2.
Sheet1!J2 will give me a number between 1-20 or a blank, depending on what the formula gives me.
The formula on Sheet1!J2 is =IF(K2="","",(MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(K2:X2="",0),0)-1)/2 )

So I will get my number, and it will create the right hyperlink.... but when the cell is blank, it still creates a hyperlink, although the cell is blank.

Where does my current long formula need to say: If cell is blank, don't create the hyperlink? It didn't do it before, but before i also manually input a number.