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Vlookup multiple matchs

  1. #1
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    Vlookup multiple matchs

    Good Afternoon all, I have just created what I thought was the perfect solution on a sheet of mine. I'm using the Vlookup formula to match dates to activities on a matrix I have been given. Using =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(K2,FLAT60A,2,0)),"",VLOOKUP(K2,FLAT60A,2,0)) I can plot the date an event happened from the data in table FLAT60A, the problem occurs when I have 2 events that happen on the same date, the vlookup command only shows the first even. So, I would like to add another row below the first one and have a formula to say " if cell K9 has a value in it vlookup the next value on that same date.

    I can put a sample sheet up if that's easier.



  2. #2
    Forum Expert RobertMika's Avatar
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    Re: Vlookup multiple matchs

    Can you attached your sheet?
    You need something like this:
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  3. #3
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    Re: Vlookup multiple matchs

    Quote Originally Posted by RobertMika View Post
    Can you attached your sheet?
    You need something like this:
    Thanks for that mike, from the link you send me I managed to come p with the correct formula. unfortunately its still not quite right. Basically im trying to populate the matrix on sheet1 using the data on sheet2 for some reason my formula works for the first set of data on sheet2 but none after that. Please have a look at the attached sheet and see where im going wrong.


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