I have a very large set of data grouped in records that are 3 rows by 20 columns (see attached sample set). The records (each 3 row / 20 column group of cells) is named by one of the cells in the record ( data in column 'C'). The columns have header names in rows 1 and 2.
I want to sort by any selected cell ( i.e. 'Symbol' or 'Name' or 'Purchase Date' or 'Div Yield' or 'Annualized Return' etc.) and keep all the data in the record (each 3 row / 20 column group of cells) together.
I do not know if naming the records helps or not.
I checked the forum for this kind of problem but did not see something this complex (at least complex to me) Also - I am familiar with basic sorting but not so much with named ranges or grouping etc.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.