I have a user-entry table, "MiscExpenses," with three columns - Code, Date, Amount.
I have a second table, "MiscExpensesSummary," with the leftmost column called Code, and columns extending right from that labelled with a sequence of Monday dates (e.g 10/7/2013, 10/14/2013, 10/21/2013,...) that are 'week beginning on' dates. The Code column needs to be populated with every code in the MiscExpenses table, in alphabetical order, and the total amounts tagged with that code for each 'week beginning on' date populate the rest of the table.
More details, and a set of sample tables are at http://www.griffinchaseoliver.com/li...celTables.xlsx.
This is an in-house utility table and the formula does not need input-error trapping codes.
Thanks for your help - this formula is over my head!
Jim Redfield
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