Sorry, I know the title may be a bit ambiguous and general, but I can't think of an easy way to describe my problem!
I currently have a chunk of data, to which I'm trying to assign a group, and then count how many occurences there are of the said group. I'll try and explain a little better in a table..... As an example, my data follows this pattern (which is a simplified form of the actual data):
1 a
1 a
3 b
6 a
4 a
4 b
4 a
2 b
The two groups are "a" and "b". If a number in the first column is followed by a "b" in the second, all occurences of that number need to be assigned a "b". So if there are multiple occurence, 2 of which are "a", and 1 "b", they all need to be assigned "b". As an example based on the above data, I need it to read:
1 a
1 a
3 b
6 a
4 B rather than a
4 b
4 B rather than a
2 b
I've been messing with IF statements with AND and OR's, and trying to think my way round a VB solution if needed, but drawing a blank! I hope I've explained it well enough, any help would be greatfully received!