Hi, I wonder if any one can figure out a formula to to the following:
The users enter terms separated by spaces into a single cell. Then I have to later make sure that when those terms go over 50 characters, that I distribute them into as many as a total of three cells, with a maximum of 50 characters each.
So I wanted to build a formula that would automate my task, or at least help a little bit. The perfect formula would do this:
Say the text is on A1: cold jacket plaid pockets zipper hood cotton leather outwear fashion woolly silky designer comfy trendy casual smart (a total of 116 characters)
I have to spread this into B1, C1 and D1 and not go over 50 characters in each of them. So my formula would go like
On B1 = A1 up to the last space before reaching character #50 (cold jacket plaid pockets zipper hood cotton )
On C1 = A1 starting to count on first word after last on B1 up to the last space before reaching character count 50 (leather outwear fashion woolly silky designer )
On D1 = The remaining words: comfy trendy casual smart
The users have a limit of 150 with data validation (giving them the three columns is not an option though)
What I do now is really pitiless: I put a LEN formula on B1 to get an idea of how many cells I need, then just manually cut and paste the text many, many, many times a day
Thank you for any ideas!