Hi edsters,
I didn't think it did substrings either, but in the sample Workbook I posted, it WORKED, as long as the items in 'Sheet 1' are 'Superstrings' of the items in 'Sheet 2'.
For example if sheet 1 contains:
a. If you type 'EVERGREEN COMPUTERS AND PRINTERS' the category is 'HOME OFFICE'.
b. If you type 'EVERGREEN COMPUTER' the category is 'fuel' (the previous entry in the lookup table).
c. If you type 'EVERGREEN COMPUTERx' the category is 'HOME OFFICE' (the previous entry in the lookup table).
When you use VLOOKUP with parameter 4 'True', 1, or omission is supposed to return an APPROXIMATE match that is the way VLOOKUP is supposed to work. When the 4th parameter is 'False or 0', then VLOOKUP needs an EXACT MATCH.
NOTE: The items in the Lookup Table in 'Sheet 2' should be alphabetical (which you have).
I agree that benishiryo's post is superior to mine.