Hello, this is my first post here, just need some help with explaining this expression:
=VLOOKUP(B3,'C:Documents and SettingsuserDesktop[ZA la 04.11.2011.xls]stocuri_04.11.2011_04.11.2011'!$B$2:$M$266,12,0)
The question is: "What number must be changed in order for the expression to take into account the third cell ?". This is where I don't really understand... what third cell ? I'm tempted to say the "12" must be changed into "3" (...!$B$2:$M$266,3,0) but I'm not sure if that's right. There's no example sheet, just the formula and the aforementioned question. Sorry if this seems stupid, but as you can guess I'm a n00b and I'd really appreciate some help, thanks !