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highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

  1. #1
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    highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    Ok guys, this is my goal. I know you all can help.

    Disciplinary action worksheet.

    I have to add violations to this worksheet every time my associate gets a violation.

    If the associate reaches x number of violations, they will receive disciplinary action.


    2x (2 instances) of "2.6B Call Documentation" = Highlight Yellow
    3x (2 instances) of "2.6B Call Documentation" = Highlight Red

    I would like to have a area/set/range of cells designated for these rules such as A1:A27. As i go down this list and enter items, if the specific text appears multiple times, the cell will highlight advising of a needed action based off the color.

    Should I create a drop down so the desired text is the same every time and I or one of my colleagues can't accidentally put "2.6 Call Documentation"?

    Please note that there are about 50 violations and they each carry their own weight. Some call for disciplinary action at 2 instances, some don't call for a disciplinary action until 12 instances.

    From the looks of it, you all are genius. I will check this daily. It will be awesome when you figure it out and at that time I will bow before your greatness!. So excited I found this website!
    Last edited by Onefynebarraza; 10-10-2013 at 12:04 AM.

  2. #2
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times excel 2013

    Hi and welcome to the forum

    Im not so sure about geniuses and bowing and stuff (and we only do the walking on water thing over weekends lol), but Im sure we can sort something out here.

    The Drop-down is a great idea and is really easy to do - its actually called Data Validation and can be found under the DATA tab. 1st, create your list, select the range you want to apply it to (just highlight with the mouse) go into DV, select "List" and highlight the range...hey presto, 1 DV list created

    To make the cells change color, you would use Conditional Formatting. Because you say that different "violations" have different "ranges", it might help if you could upload a (clean) sample workbook so I can see what sort of ranges you are talking about.

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    Once the upload is completed the file name will appear below the input boxes in this window.
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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times excel 2013


    Thank you so much for your prompt attention. I will gather the specific data tomorrow, create the sample workbook and upload it asap. Man, thanks again!

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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    Ok, I got it. It has been attached. Let me know if you need me to format it differently. For example, put the information into individual cells for reference. Thanks so much, I feel so lucky to have found you guys. <----This picture explains it best, like i'm looking up and thanking someone....
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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    Thanks for the file. I have "formatted it differently", I put it into a table that you can now expand on if needed.

    Take a look at the attached, and see if this is to your liking. if you enter the risk level in F16 and the qty violations in F17, it spits out the discipline. We could "fancy" it up a bit by putting text into the blank cells of the table, if you want
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  6. #6
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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    Updated Ranges 10.11.2013.xlsxWould this be our reference table?

    The idea would be that depending on what i enter into a range of cells/table multiple times, will highlight the row specific color, dependent on the number of times it appears in this range of cells.

    I'll give you another example. See if you can crack this code. Thanks again!

    ***EDIT "Is there some conditional formatting that will highlight the cell depeneding on the number of times that particular cell appears in a range of cells." Should really be: "Is there some conditional formatting that will highlight the "ROW" depeneding on the number of times that particular cell appears in a range of cells.
    Last edited by Onefynebarraza; 10-11-2013 at 02:09 AM. Reason: I would like it to highlight the roll. Not necessarily the cell

  7. #7
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    Thanks forthe update. I dont have time right now, but I will take another look in a few hours. Is there a "duration" for the warnings?

  8. #8
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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    based on your update, this will pull out the "discipline" to be applied. All we need to do now is nbuild that into the CF formula and decide how many "rules" you want?

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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    There is a duration for the warnings. They will drop off after 9 months from the date administered.

  10. #10
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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    How many rules?
    Do we need to know how many violations there so we can create a rule for each of them?

  11. #11
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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    Darn, I fotrgot to add that formula...

    What I mean is you have 4 (I think?) levels do you want to have a color for each 1?
    Rule 1
    =INDEX($E$2:$Q$10,MATCH(J28,$E$2:$E$10,0),MATCH(COUNTIF($J$28:$J$36,J28),$E$2:$Q$2,0))="coaching" Format fill GREEN
    Rule 2
    =INDEX($E$2:$Q$10,MATCH(J28,$E$2:$E$10,0),MATCH(COUNTIF($J$28:$J$36,J28),$E$2:$Q$2,0))="verbal warning" format fill Yellow


  12. #12
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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    Yes, I would like a color for each of them; Coaching, Verbal, written, final written.

  13. #13
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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    Take a look at the attached, and play around with it. for instance, change I28 from 10/10/2013 to 1/10/2013
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  14. #14
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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    This is definitely on the right track. Why when I add one more 3C to the mix, does it turn white and not red like the conditional formatting shows its supposed to?

  15. #15
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    LOL because I cant spell/type worth a damn. If you go into the CF rules, check the 1st rule (the red 1)...right at the end of the formula is the test, and I typed in...
    "final writtenm warning

    sooooooo fix my typing and you should be good to go, sorry about that

    change the formula to...
    =INDEX($E$2:$Q$10,MATCH($L28,$E$2:$E$10,0),MATCH(COUNTIF($L$28:$L$36,$L28),$E$2:$Q$2,0))="final written warning"

    (That also fixes another error I noticed on the last countif() function)
    Last edited by FDibbins; 10-13-2013 at 07:19 PM.

  16. #16
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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    This is noobish, but I am really trying to wrap my head around how you came up with all of this. It really is genius. I tried to create a formula for "Termination of Employment" as well, to top it off and not leave any gaps. I tried this with your formula "=INDEX($E$2:$Q$10,MATCH($L28,$E$2:$E$10,0),MATCH(COUNTIF($L$28:$L$36,$L28),$E$2:$Q$2,0))="final written warning", and just changed the "Final Written Warning" to "Termination of Employment" like this. =INDEX($E$2:$Q$10,MATCH($L26,$E$2:$E$10,0),MATCH(COUNTIF($L$28:$L$36,$L26),$E$2:$Q$2,0))="Termination of Employment" but it did not work. why?

  17. #17
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    =INDEX($E$2:$Q$10,MATCH($L28,$E$2:$E$10,0),MATCH(COUNTIF($L$28:$L$36,$L28),$E$2:$Q$2,0))="final written warning"
    =INDEX($E$2:$Q$10,MATCH($L26,$E$2:$E$10,0),MATCH(COUNTIF($L$28:$L$36,$L26),$E$2:$Q$2,0))="Termination of Employment

    Unless you have moved things a bit, it looks like you have a reference wrong.
    I just tried it with this, colored purple and it worked fine...
    =INDEX($E$2:$Q$10,MATCH($L28,$E$2:$E$10,0),MATCH(COUNTIF($L$28:$L$36,$L28),$E$2:$Q$2,0))="Termination of Employment"

    how its works is like this...
    1. count how many there are of each category...

    2. use that to find which column to use in the table we made, using the MATCH()...

    3. find which row to use inthat table, based on the code

    4. use the INDEX/MATCH/MATCH to find the "level" based on the intersection of the row and column...

    CF works on either a TRUE or FALSE answer - TRUE triggers the change, FALSE doesnt.
    5. Once we have the wording from the INDEX/MATCH, we then just put in a test for each term, to decide what color to make it.

    Hope that makes sense?

  18. #18
    Forum Expert Tony Valko's Avatar
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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    Quote Originally Posted by FDibbins View Post

    CF works on either a TRUE or FALSE answer - TRUE triggers the change, FALSE doesnt.
    Or, if using a formula to define the rule, ANY number other than 0 will apply the formatting while the number 0 will not.



    MATCH will return a number from 1 to 10 or the #N/A error. When it returns a number from 1 to 10 the format will be applied. When it returns the #N/A error the format is not applied.


    COUNTIF will return a number from 0 to 10. If the number is 0 the format is not applied. If it's ANY number other than 0 the format is applied.
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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    **********EDIT - Deleted - Duplicate Post
    Last edited by Onefynebarraza; 10-13-2013 at 11:21 PM. Reason: Duplicate Post

  20. #20
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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    Well, I guess that does it. Thanks a cabillion Fdibbins, this was an awesome experience and I'll definitely use you guys in the future for any other ideas I may have with Excel. Thanks Tony for your input as well. I have marked this thread solved, but don't be surprised if I have some additional questions along the way. Always learning. . .nice to have resources like you all. Thanks again.

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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    Thanks for the input Tony, always appreciated

    OFB, it was a pleasure helping and guiding you on this, and I look forward to the next sessions Thanks for the great feedback!!

  22. #22
    Forum Expert Tony Valko's Avatar
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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    Quote Originally Posted by Onefynebarraza View Post
    Thanks Tony for your input as well.
    You're welcome!

  23. #23
    Forum Expert Tony Valko's Avatar
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    Re: highlight when specific text appears multiple times in a range of cells - excel 2013

    Quote Originally Posted by FDibbins View Post
    Thanks for the input Tony, always appreciated
    You're welcome!

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