I just happen to be at the office for a corporate party tonight and saw your email. And I'd rather discuss spreadsheets than party it up, because I'm kind of a nerd.

Here's your spreadsheet in working order with all the formulas filled out. The hard part of working with a table is that the whole first block of equations needs to be done manually. And by manually, I mean not just typing it in, but literally D2: =sumifs(selecting the deposit range,selecting date range,select a2,select category range, select category). And then doing that again for D3:D13 but with withdrawal range. Not just copying that formula, but literally selecting the data for each of those equations.

I know the formula in each one looks the same, but if you don't manually select the data for the SUMIFS when writing the equations for each line of D in the first block, then it doesn't quite work. However, once I finished manually selecting the data range for each SUMIF in D2:D13, I was then able to copy and paste that entire block of formulas into each of the other blocks.

If I had just copied D3 into D4, Excel would have adjusted the references without telling me, even though the equation looks exactly the same.

So without further adieu, here's it is:

sumifs table is hard.xlsx