Mon Mon Mon Tue Tue Tue Wed Wed Wed Thu Thu Thu Fri Fri Fri Sat Sat Sat Sun Sun Sun Mon Mon Mon Tue
x x 2 x x 5 x x 1 x x x x x x x x x x x

The workers works 2 shift: morning and afternoon, and they sometime work overtime at night (counted by hours).
1>I want to set up the formula to count the working days for the worker to count the normal working days (exclude overtime and Sunday)
{=COUNT(IF((A1:Y1<>"Sun"),A2:Y2,0))/2} (array formula)

The correct answer should be 7.5 but it turns out 5.

2>I count working days in sunday by {=COUNT(IF((A1:Y1="Sun"),A2:Y2,0))/2} ==>the answer is 11.5 while the correct one should be 1.

3>I want to add the overtime working by =SUMIF(A2:Y2,ISNUMBER(A2:Y2))/8 and it does not work also. (the right result should be 8h)

Can anybody help me to fix this??

Thanks alot.