I am trying to count how many times certain letter combinations occur in a column based on the date and another geographical code. Here is what I came up with but the result is giving me FALSE as the return and it should be giving me 1 (not for true but for one occurrence).

=IF(OR('2013 Data'!$G:$G=G13,'2013 Data'!$G:$G=G14,'2013 Data'!$G:$G=G15,'2013 Data'!$G:$G=G16,'2013 Data'!$G:$G=G17,'2013 Data'!$G:$G=G18),(COUNTIFS('2013 Data'!$I:$I,$A13,'2013 Data'!$D:$D,"ABC")+COUNTIFS('2013 Data'!$I:$I,$A13,'2013 Data'!$D:$D,"ACD")+COUNTIFS('2013 Data'!$I:$I,$A13,'2013 Data'!$D:$D,"ADF")+COUNTIFS('2013 Data'!$I:$I,$A13,'2013 Data'!$D:$D,"DFG")))

The '2013 Data' sheet holds all of my Data, Column G on this sheet holds the geography code, Column I holds the date of occurrence, Column D holds the letter combinations

There are six geographical codes I am asking for the data to occur in, those codes are in G13:G18
The date I am asking it to look at is in A13

I know that "DFG" occurs one time for the date I am asking for and in one of those six geographic areas but the formula is returning FALSE.


Thank you in advance for your help!!