Thanks. Here is a link to the file:
For simplicity, I've only included a few stocks, and their tickers are UTX, HON, BA, ECHO, FDX, and HUBG, which can be found in the tab "DATA". Go to the tab "Tables for Charts" and in cell A1 enter any of these tickers. You'll see for the companies that have been trading since 1990 (such as FDX), the calculations and chart look perfect because they have a starting stock price for January 1990. But for stocks that started trading after January 1990, it results in a #DIV/0 error. I need a way to have it start computing the stock's return based on its first trading month. I could hunt this down manually, but there are over 100 stocks in the active workbook and I want it to be a dynamic process, whereby I can add more stocks over time.