Hi Everyone,

Please go easy on me because I'm new

I am a rep that visits multiple stores everyday and I like to be organised. I have created an excel Spreadsheet in the hopes that I can easily export it to outlook. Which I have done successfully, however, here is the issue...its taking me forever and I am positive there must be an easier way.

Excel Example.png

As you can see from the above, the day is broken up into 30min segments. I am trying to do 2 things :

1. If Cell C = 1pm then cell A becomes Lunch etc

2. If cell D5:D19 = 1/10/13 then Cell D20:D34 = 2/10/13 etc (same goes for the time cells)

What it boils down to is I am one of those dangerous excel users with only a little knowledge....enough to know I dont know enough.

Can I do the above fairly easily? I also have other questions but I will save those for later