Hi, I have a spreadsheet that I need to have calculate heads per half hour in a detailed manner. Attached has 2 sheets. The first one is "Shift Data", the secound one is "Headcount Calcs". On the Headcount Calcs sheet, i basically got it to do what I need it to do but it takes FOREVER to calculate and sometimes I have to re-start it. I've tried several different ways to calculated it and this is the most accurate way I can do it, unfortunately it seems to be longest too. I've read that sometimes VBA with massive use of array formulas might be better, but I'm not sure where I would start with that.

So basically I'm asking if anyone knows a better formula or tricks to make it process faster. The example I give is only 1/5th(limited due to file size limitations) of what I need in production in terms of days included and columns with more details by Half Hour. The example runs faster but with 5x the data, it takes a very long time.

Thanks for looking and for any help!HalfHour HeadCount Examplev2.xlsxHalfHour HeadCount Examplev2.xlsx