I have about 4000 doc and docx files which contain a table. I've managed to import these into one excel sheet using the following script:

Sub Macro1()
   Dim xl As Object
   Set xl = CreateObject("excel.application")

   xl.Visible = True

   'Here put your path where you have your documents to read:
   myPath = "C:\Users\"  'End with '\'
   myFile = Dir(myPath & "*.docx")

   xlRow = 1
   Do While myFile <> ""
      Documents.Open FileName:=myPath & myFile, ConfirmConversions:=False, _
         ReadOnly:=False, AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:="", _
         PasswordTemplate:="", Revert:=False, WritePasswordDocument:="", _
         WritePasswordTemplate:="", Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto, XMLTransform:=""

      xlCol = 0
      For Each t In ActiveDocument.Tables
         For Each r In t.Rows
            For Each c In r.Range.Cells
               myText = c
               myText = Replace(myText, Chr(13), "")
               myText = Replace(myText, Chr(7), "")
               xlCol = xlCol + 1
               xl.activeworkbook.activesheet.Cells(xlRow, xlCol) = myText

            Next c
            xlRow = xlRow + 1
            xlCol = 0
         Next r
      Next t
      ActiveWindow.Close False

      myFile = Dir

   xl.Visible = True
End Sub
The only issue is that outside the table of the docs is a date. Because this isn't in the table, it doesn't pick it up and I have a huge list of data with no dates. How can I get it to import ALL the data or at least, the date into the excel sheet also. Without dates the data I have could be in any order and useless to me.
The document includes a top table, this contains information like revision number, page number, company name and date the form was made. All of which is not what I require. Beneath that is a line of text, the date and beneath that is the table which I want. The filenames also contain the date if that helps.