Hey All,

I have daily time series data from 2006-today : Column A = daily dates, Column B = values

Im trying to build a tool that is able to plot a seasonality chart for the data I have: i.e. x axis = Jan, Feb .... Dec; y axis = values; Each series/line = a different year within the data range.

I want to eventually be able to build a macro such that whenever i update the hardcoded data in column A and B, I run a Macro, that sorts the data and charts it, without the use of pivot tables

I've attached the worksheet so it is easier to understand.
Seasonality tool.xls

What I've already tried:
1. A vlookup method using the following formula: VLOOKUP(DATE(YEAR(H$1),MONTH($G2),DAY($G2)),$A$2:$B$1956,2,)

Problems Im having:
1. Having the grid pick up the values - i just get N/As
2. Having the years column dynamic relative to the data i.e cells H1-O1 able to change with the data series in column A.

Your help would be much appreciated
