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Some kind of pull value of cell x if values of cells abcd match values of abcd in sheet 2

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Some kind of pull value of cell x if values of cells abcd match values of abcd in sheet 2

    Need to populate the "Contact ID" Column in Sheet "Email Addresses" with the "Contact ID" Column values of the "Contact ID's" Sheet. The criteria is that the values of columns C:G need to match for the data to be pulled over. I know this is simple, but I am very new to Excel.
    Thank you!
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  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor Harribone's Avatar
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    Re: Some kind of pull value of cell x if values of cells abcd match values of abcd in shee

    You don't have a Contact ID column anywhere on your attached file so need clarification as to which column you are on about (I assume email column).
    Also when you say 'Cols C:G need to match' what exactly are they supposed to match?
    Say thanks, click *

  3. #3
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    Re: Some kind of pull value of cell x if values of cells abcd match values of abcd in shee

    Hi Harribone,

    Column B in both sheets is the Contact ID Column, expect the value is only populated in Sheet "Contact ID's". All Contacts in Email Contacts are also in the Contact ID;s sheet and what I am looking to do is pull the corresponding Contact ID into the sheet "Email Contacts" Column B if the values in columns C through G match in both sheets. Make sense?

    Thank you!

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor Harribone's Avatar
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    Re: Some kind of pull value of cell x if values of cells abcd match values of abcd in shee

    I assume Sheet1 in your file is the Contact ID's sheet. It sounds like you want to search this sheet to find a matching row and return the Contact as the result. Sheet1 however only has email contacts in and nothing else so I don't know exactly how you are checking for a match.

    Can you creat a copy of your work, delete all the data and then type in some (only a few lines required) example data with your expected results and highlight the cells to show where the formula should be. That way I (or someone else) can see exactly how the data across the two sheets is related etc.

  5. #5
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    Re: Some kind of pull value of cell x if values of cells abcd match values of abcd in shee

    Are you looking for this ??

    if answer suits your requirement click"*" and mark thread as solved
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  6. #6
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    Re: Some kind of pull value of cell x if values of cells abcd match values of abcd in shee

    Example #1.xlsx
    To: Hemesh
    Not quite, but thank you, I am not concerned with the Email addresses, just the Contact ID's...

    To: Harribone/Hemesh
    I've simplified the spreadsheet and am trying to give a simpler instruction below:

    I need the Contact ID's from Sheet 2 to populate beside the corresponding data in Columns C, D, E & L in Sheet 1.

    Thank you both a ton!

  7. #7
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    Re: Some kind of pull value of cell x if values of cells abcd match values of abcd in shee

    Hello Ddiehl3,
    Just go through attachment you can keep on adding the details in both the sheets and sheet 1 column ID will populate

    if answer suits your requirement click"*" in the left hand corner and mark thread as solved by selecting thread tools and mark as solved
    Attached Files Attached Files

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