i want to create a list that will allow me to put a date on A1 and the A2,A3,A4,A5,A6 Ect... show the next date. I use the Formula =A1+1 to give the next date. So i would like to do that but have it when the date falls on a Sat or Sun it will skip it and go to the Monday. or if a date fall on a Holiday (which i created a Separate Tab to make a chart of holidays im using. Columns A1-Date & A2-Description in the Chart) that it will skip it and go to the next week day.

For Example December 2014 Christmas falls on the 24th and 25th for days off for work and the weekend is the 20th & 21st so i want it to automatically do this.

Friday 12/19/14 (i will type this date im myself)
Monday 12/22/14 (This will run of the Previous date automatically)
Tuesday 12/23/14 (This will run of the Previous date automatically)
Friday 12/26/14 (This will run of the Previous date automatically)

Is this Possible