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Single Formula to find fist column in a range with numeric value>0 for ONLY criteria row

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    Single Formula to find fist column in a range with numeric value>0 for ONLY criteria row

    Solved: 9/4/2013
    I figured this formula out a few days ago before I posted, but had some errors in my data and did not realize it was correct.
    If anyone sees an issue with it let me know... but I have tested it extensively on a very large array of 100 rows by 24 wide.

    I attached a sample XLS with the solution!!!!


    Original Post here:

    I need a single array formula (one cell) to do this...

    I have a worksheet where I need to find the MINimum COLUMN number from a range or rows/columns where:
    #1) Only look at rows in the first range (A1:A4) where the first column "A" has a specific value (e.g., "HI"). Note that this may result in MULTIPLE rows applicable from the criteria Column "A".
    #2) For rows matching from #1; find the first (leftmost) column in the range that has a numeric value > 0 in any cell (again, only for rows matching criteria).

    I had a lot of permutations on this...only to realize that I am not getting there quickly. It must be a single formula and not VBA due to company policy.

    general example
    A B C D E F
    1 xx 0 3 4 2 0
    2 HI 0 8 0 0 0
    3 yy 7 5 4 1 1
    4 HI 0 0 1 0 1

    So in the above example:
    #1) My criteria is ALL rows having "HI" in column A. This is then rows #2 and #4 are to be inspected.
    #2) ONLY for rows with "HI" (#2 and #4), look at values in all cells in range B1:F4 and give me the minimum column # where the value is > 0. For this example, with "HI" as the criteria, the formula should return column 3 ("C") since cell C2 is the first non-zero matching the >0 criteria for rows 2 & 4.

    IMAGE of my current usage (but WITHOUt COL A criteria) is attached.
    Screen Shot 2013-09-03 at 8.34.54 PM.png

    Last edited by vfrost; 09-05-2013 at 12:03 AM. Reason: SOLVED sample xls attached

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