I need some help with a formula. See attached excel file. I am doing a spreadsheet for work where someone puts in the the time and date a job was started, and then outputs the amount of time in hours it took to do the job. The problem I am having is i need excel to look at the start date and end date and determine how many lunch breaks, 10 minute breaks, and end of the work shift occurrences happened during the start and completion time.

Looking at the excel file. The first one has been done manually. The start time was 8/28/13 7:00 AM, and then end time was 8/29/13 2:00 PM. Based off of these times. A 10 minute break occurred at 8:00am, 30 minute lunch at 10:45, 10 minute break at 1:00pm, and the day ended at 2:30pm. Then the job started up at 6am then next day (the start of the work day), another 10 minute break at 8am, 30 minute lunch at 10:45, 10 minute break at 1, and then the job was done at 2. So I need a formula to go in the "8:00am Break? (0:10)", "10:45 Lunch? (0:30)", "1:00pm Break? (0:10)", and "2:30pmEnd of day? (15:30)" cells to determine if this time zone was passed and to put that time in the corresponding cell. My "actual total time" cell then deducts these times off of the total time. Please oh please can someone help???work schedule.xls