Here's my issue, the basic version. Let's say I have a new blank workbook with the standard three base sheets; Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3. In cell A1 of each worksheet I'll input a number; for the purposes of ease I'll just input "1". In cell A2 of each worksheet I'll input the following formula: =SUM(Sheet1:Sheet3!A1), so cell A2 of all the worksheets displays "3". Now, if I copy Sheet1 (to any position), the formula in the newly copied sheet ('Sheet1 (2)') breaks and generates a #REF error ('=SUM(#REF!A1)'). However, if I copy either Sheet2 or Sheet3, no error is encountered in the copied sheets. I'd be grateful for any explanation of this behaviour and a method for dealing with it. As usual, I'd like to avoid any VBA solutions for the time being and hope for a workaround using base Excel formulas. I'd also like to not have to create a hidden sheet that acts as the first sheet in the range as a workaround. Thanks for reading!