New to the forum and this is my first post so hopefully I don't muck it up too bad![]()
I have a sheet that has a column with a number of days an issue took, if that issue is still open. If the issue is closed, the column will be blank. I am looking to populate cells, based on a date range, that fall into the following categories:
Total Issues for Month Still Open Open 0-28 Days Open 29-50 Days Open 50+ Days
=COUNTIF('2013 Data'!B1:B600,">=08/01/13")-COUNTIF('2013 Data'!B1:B600,">08/31/13") is what I used to count the total number of issues for any given month which works fine.
What I would like to do is count how many items within the date range, fall into those categories so the table would look like this:
This is Excel 2010 so I believe that I could use =COUNTIFS but I'm having a hard time with the syntax.
Column B contains dates
Column R is the total number of days that an issue was opened.
Thanks in advance for any help you can lend.