Hi There
I need help with removing blank cells from a column which is a named range which in turn makes up a dependent droplist
Column A is a list of postcodes and column B is a list of building names which, as you may know, some buildings have the same postcode if they are on the same plot of land
I currently have a user selection screen which looks at
Area: (Data validation list called =Area)
Postcode: (Data validation list using =INDIRECT(Area cell reference)
Building Name: (Data validation list using =INDIRECT(Postcode cell reference)
The user selects and area which then shows the list of postcodes which, upon selection, shows the building names of the same post code
Currently I have 1968 buildings and around 1000 of those postcodes are unneeded duplicates
I can't post the exact data as it's sensitive information but I will try to put together a similar version if needed
I've looked at various OFFSET solutions but can't seem to get any of them to work/suit my format
Please help