Hi Everyone,
I have a query which I'm sure isn't too difficult but I very much an excel beginner.
As you can see in the picture, I have list of people and each person has an action against them for me to carry out, all the actions have different dates however. At present I am manually colouring them so if my action has to be carried out this week I have it purple, if it has to be carried out next week I have it blue and if it's anytime after that I have it green.
I've starting using the Conditional Formatting rules for date occurring and set it so it automatically changes. As you can see in the picture, when I put in those dates such as '30/08/2013' it changes automatically and that's great. However as you can see below the 3 colours, I don't just want to put in a date and it changes, I want to put in a date and text such as '30/08/2013 - process form' and as soon as I write anything but the date, the colour disappears. Is there anyway that the formatting will still colour the cell with both the Date and Text ??
Any help would be very much appreciated as this is racking my brain!