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Attendace tracking with 12 month rolling calendar and different types of absences

  1. #1
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    Attendace tracking with 12 month rolling calendar and different types of absences

    Hello all. I am trying to put together a spreadsheet with a rolling 12 month calendar to track unexcused absences. It has point values for different types of absences, which I cannot change.

    The point values are:
    T1 < 15 minutes (.25 points)
    T2 > 15 minutes - 2 hours (.5 points)
    U > 2 hours (1.0 points)

    The T's are for tardy, and U is for unexcused absences. The spreadsheet I have built will have a tab for every employee, and has a cell for each day of the month. I would like to be able to enter U or T1 or T2 and have a table enter the date and the appropriate point value. In this table, would like it to accrue the total sum of the point for the rolling year.

    I was trying to make it a calendar format, where I could click on a date and enter the appropriate info, but that seems a bit too complicated for me right now. Something where you could select the current year and it would change the dates accordingly while still being able to update a summary table. Would that be a complicated process?

    Searches for something like this have not been very successful I think due to the different point values. All of the sheets I have found have 1 absence type, or they are built to track the amount of hours left in a vacation bucket which I don't need.

    Would anyone be able to assist me in this, or point me in the right direction? I am pretty new to excel...

    Thank you!
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  2. #2
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    Re: Attendace tracking with 12 month rolling calendar and different types of absences

    Step 1 - use COUNTIF function could give you the occurrences of T1, T2 and U.
    Step 2 - Multiply the COUNTIFs by the appropriate point values
    Step 3 - Add the value for T1s, T2s and Us together.

    These three steps could be done in one cell, if needed
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  3. #3
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    Re: Attendace tracking with 12 month rolling calendar and different types of absences

    Thank you for your response. I did some research and found out what the COUNTIF value does. If I used this formula, how would I have it autopopulate the date and absence type for that date in the table on the right?

  4. #4
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    Re: Attendace tracking with 12 month rolling calendar and different types of absences

    COUNTIF function tells you how many cells they are. For what you want to do try. INDEX and MATCH function together. Try these links toward how to use them


    NOTE: The way to do requires arrays. Arrays require Ctrl-Shift-Enter to enter data. Look at the link
    Last edited by K m; 08-24-2013 at 10:19 PM.

  5. #5
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    Re: Attendace tracking with 12 month rolling calendar and different types of absences

    Thanks again K m.

    So I have been playing with formulas and have decided that I really only need a table with dates, absence type, point total, and rolling 12 month total. I have figured out how to do all that, but I would like the table to delete the entries that are no longer part of the 12 month rolling total. I have attached an example and have highlighted the row in green that I want to automatically drop off, and then have all the data move up the appropriate number of cells to fill in the blanks. Is this possible?

    Also, is there a way to make all the cells with a value of "0" be blank instead of showing a number?
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  6. #6
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    Re: Attendace tracking with 12 month rolling calendar and different types of absences

    Use SUMIF to sum between the last twelve months of dates. Look at this link for more help


    Suppress zeros

    Click the Microsoft Office Button , click Excel Options, and then click the Advanced category.
    Under Display options for this worksheet, select a worksheet, and then do one of the following:
    To display zero (0) values in cells, select the Show a zero in cells that have zero value check box.
    To display zero values as blank cells, clear the Show a zero in cells that have zero value check box.

  7. #7
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    Re: Attendace tracking with 12 month rolling calendar and different types of absences

    I am using =SUMIFS to give me my rolling calendar. Is this also used to delete the entries that are no longer applicible to the rolling year?

    Thank you for the clarification.

  8. #8
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    Re: Attendace tracking with 12 month rolling calendar and different types of absences

    Use SUMIF with the criteria range being TODAY():TODAY()-365. As the date changes so does the criteria range.

  9. #9
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    Re: Attendace tracking with 12 month rolling calendar and different types of absences

    So if I understand, I enter this into the cell that I want the total to be displayed in. But then how will that delete the info in the cells that is no longer applicable? (The formula I am using is working for the rolling 12 months) Thank you for your patience, still learning here...

    Just to clarify, I am trying to make it so I don't have to manually delete and move info everytime a cell is no longer needed because it is outside of the rolling 12 month range. Otherwise, this list would just get longer and longer with every entry. Am I making sense?

  10. #10
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    Re: Attendace tracking with 12 month rolling calendar and different types of absences

    I'm not understanding you perhaps others can help. Perhaps you can start a new post with your question.

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  11. #11
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    Re: Attendace tracking with 12 month rolling calendar and different types of absences

    K M gets you definitly on the good track.

    See the attached file to select the data which can be deleted.

    I used a helpcolumn to track those data.

    You can filter on the column and select the choise "delete".

    After that you can deleted the found data.

    Probably you can better NOT deleted those item, so you can use them for other analyzes.

    See the attached file.
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    Notice my main language is not English.

    I appreciate it, if you reply on my solution.

    If you are satisfied with the solution, please mark the question solved.

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