I have a table of data with six columns: Create Date, Work Center, Material, Defect Type, Defect Location and Defect Qty.
Creation Date Work Center Material Defect Type Defect Location Defect Qty.
7/15/2013 QA-LINE 7210743-16 High / Low Spot A15 100
7/15/2013 QD-LINE 7210743-16 High / Low Spot P10 100
7/12/2013 QA-LINE 7210743-16 Buckle / Waves Y16 5
7/15/2013 QD-LINE 7210743-16 Burrs A15 32
7/15/2013 QD-LINE 7210743-16 Burrs A1 22
Is there a formula that will sum the Defect Qty. for each Defect Type (each Defect Type may appear multiple times with different quantities) using selection criteria and return the Defect Type with the highest quantity, second highest quantity, third highest quantity ... etc. I've looked at Rank, Large, Index and Match combinations, but I am unable to find a solution.
If possible, I would like to add selection criteria (e.g. Create Date is between Date 1 and Date 2, Work Center = QD-Line and Material = 7210743-16).
Please let me know if I posted incorrectly; this is my first time using the forum. Thank you!