there are two reasons why your formula isn't working, and won't work even if fixed.
1. you are manipulating the "criteria_range" portion of the SUMIFS argument (shown below), which it does not allow. it allows manipulation of the "criteria" portion, however.
TTFTable[@[Date raised]]+(TTFTable[@[Time To Fill (Hours)]]/24)
2. the values that you have on the Summary tab between B1 and G1 (except E1) are anything but Dates. they "look" like Dates, but they are actually Text. so, even if your formula were fixed, it would not successfully give you an output because of this fact (i.e., formula will output an error).
so, first you have to fix the values between B1 and G1 to make them real Dates.
then, your SUMIFS formula can be fixed in one of the following two ways:
=SUMIFS(TTFTable['# Submittals Submitted],TTFTable[Date raised],">"&Summary!$D$1,TTFTable[Date raised],"<"&(Summary!$E$1+1))
=SUMIFS(TTFTable['# Submittals Submitted],TTFTable[Date raised],">"&EOMONTH(Summary!$E$1,-1),TTFTable[Date raised],"<"&Summary!$E$1+1)
however, for some godforsaken reason, either of these are not giving the "right" output and i am not able to figure out why.
so, below is another formula that you can use, which i have tested to be correct for your sample data.
=SUMPRODUCT(TTFTable['# Submittals Submitted]*(INT(TTFTable[Date raised])>Summary!D1)*(INT(TTFTable[Date raised])<(Summary!E1+1)))