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Product and Round a series of numbers

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    Product and Round a series of numbers

    Hi All,

    I have to do this kind of calculation quite often and i would like to know if there is a shortcut out there somewhere. The scenario is that i would like to multiply 2 numbers together then round to the nearest penny, then multiply that value by another number and round to the nearest penny, and continue this pattern on for a set amount of numbers. Mind you the end value will sometimes be different than just multiplying all of the numbers together then rounding at the end. Here is an example:

    Column A

    If you were to do this formula round(product(A2:A10),2) you would come up with 11.66, but i would like the value that is calculated from this formula:
    =ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(A2*A3,2)*A4,2)*A5,2)*A6,2)*A7,2)*A8,2)*A9,2)*A10,2) which would be 11.68

    This number can be significatly different if the numbers that you are looking at have more than two decimal places. I am looking for a formula, if at all possible, that will do what i have shown just must shorter. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
    Last edited by amotto11; 08-20-2013 at 02:23 PM.

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