I'm basically teaching myslef excel through google and have been using IF and AND statements a lot. I've heard of VLOOKUP but can't find anywhere that explains it in a user friendly enough fashion for me. I have a table that has an item in the left hand column and then cumulative costs starting from baseline up to month 12. So I need to be able to use VLOOKUP to look for the first item and then to show the cost depending on which month the user has selected. I'm not sure that has explained it very well though!
Items Baseline Month 1 Month2 Month3 etc
Monkey £50 £75 £78 £97
Cabbage £23 £25 £37 £40
Iron £12 £45 £67 £123
So users would have drop down box to select item and then another drop down box to select month and then I need the cost to appear in a final cost column.