I guess my new question is, is there a way to modify my formula to account for both the space after the comma and it not having a space, as ill chop off letters if I do not account for that.
=TRIM(IF(COUNTIF(A13,"*(*"),MID(A13,FIND(",",A13)+2,LEN(A13)-FIND(",",A13)+1) &" "&LEFT(A13,FIND(",",A13)-1) & " (NonEmp)", MID(A13&" "&A13, FIND(", ", A13)+1, LEN(A13)) ))
FIND(",",A13)+2 Is the part I am worried about. "+2" assumes a space. +1 would assume no space.
SO maybe something like this
=TRIM(IF(COUNTIF(A13,"*, *"),(IF(COUNTIF(A13,"*(*"),MID(A13,FIND(", ",A13)+2,LEN(A13)-FIND("(",A13)+1)&" "&LEFT(A13,FIND(",",A13)-1)&RIGHT(A13,LEN(A13)-FIND(" (",A13)+1),MID(A13&" "&A13,FIND(", ",A13)+1,LEN(A13))),(IF(COUNTIF(A13,"*(*"),MID(A13,FIND(", ",A13)+1,LEN(A13)-FIND("(",A13)+1)&" "&LEFT(A13,FIND(",",A13)-1)&RIGHT(A13,LEN(A13)-FIND(" (",A13)+1),MID(A13&" "&A13,FIND(", ",A13)+1,LEN(A13)))))))
However, I messed that up somehow because it returns #VALUE!.