=TRIM(IF(COUNTIF(A13,"*(*"),MID(A13,FIND(",",A13)+1,LEN(A13)-FIND(",",A13)-8) &" "&LEFT(A13,FIND(",",A13)-1) & " (NonEmp)", MID(A13&" "&A13, FIND(", ", A13)+1, LEN(A13)) ))
i am using this formula to flip first and last name, remove the comma, and also remove (NonEmp) (hence the -8 bolded in the second FIND function.
So if Jones, Jack R (NonEmp) were in A13, it would show like this Jack R Jones (NonEmp)
or Jones, John would show simply as John Jones
The problem is, I want to plan ahead and have it remove the Parenthesis and it's contents regardless of length. So if it is entered (Non Emp) it will still remove.
I tried this to no avail... Bolded is what changed.
=TRIM(IF(COUNTIF(A13,"*(*"),MID(A13,FIND(",",A13)+1,LEN(A13)-MID(A13,SEARCH("(",A13)+1,SEARCH(")",A13))) &" "&LEFT(A13,FIND(",",A13)-1) & " (NonEmp)", MID(A13&" "&A13, FIND(", ", A13)+1, LEN(A13)) ))
any suggestions?