I'm working on a weekly planner to organise my workload and jobs to do and I've hit a wall in terms of thinking about how to solve an issue, I'm only a novice excel user so maybe it will be clear to someone more experienced.
On one worksheet I have a weekly overview of activities in a vertical list, seven activities one for each day of the week. On the next worksheet I will have a detailed breakdown or a daily planner in page layout selected as I will be printing this page. This page is divided into five segments as I will only ever need five working days with two off. I need five segments of the same length to fit in the details so I cant just shorten them and put in seven.
When I first select the activity in the weekly planner I have it linked to the daily planner so the title comes up and I know what specifically I'm planning.
The problem is the days off, as on the daily planner I have five segments with the days off changing each week and possibly 3 days off in a row some weeks, I cant have a simply direct link is if Monday is a day off then I need the first segment on the daily planner to show Tuesdays title, but if Tuesday is also a day off then I need it to show Wednesday's tittle. Basically I need the daily planner to skip the off days on the weekly planner and show only the titled days.
I've tried different combinations of the if function and a few other things and cant seem to figure it out, if someone could knows how to do this id appreciate any help.
I've attached a sample worksheet to show what I mean.