I am trying to use the index, match formula to display the top ten results for the year for ozone concentration. There may be more than one day with the exact same concentration. My problem is for those days that have the exact same concentration, I can not get the other dates to appear in my first column. It only displays the first date for the first time that concentration occurs.
In my DATA! Spreadsheet which contains the dates and the concentrations.
July 7 has a Concentration of 65 and AQI of 67 ALSO ON
July 17 that same concentration of 65 , AQI of 67 occurred.
I can not get the second instance to display 7/17, it only displays 7/7.
In the 3 columns below, here is the formula I am using for the second column Con.
=LARGE(DATA!$B$3:$B$368,8) - This is the eighth row of data below.
=LARGE(DATA!$B$3:$B$368,9) - This would be the ninth row of data below.
I mention the second column formula because I "assume" I haven't made a mistake there.
The formula that I use for the first column Date is:
=INDEX(DATA!$C$3:$C$368,MATCH(LARGE(DATA!$B$3:$B$368,8),DATA!$B$3:$B$368,0)) - this is the eighth row of data formula
=INDEX(DATA!$C$3:$C$368,MATCH(LARGE(DATA!$B$3:$B$368,9),DATA!$B$3:$B$368,0)) - this is the ninth row of data formula
Date Con. AQI
6/29 77 104
6/28 72 90
7/3 71 87
6/30 70 84
7/6 69 80
5/31 67 74
7/1 66 71
7/7 65 67
7/7 65 67
7/28 64 64
Any thoughts? I appreciate it.