Hello Everyone!

I am having some difficulty here... to me it should be simple but I just cannot figure it out since I haven't worked with Excel since high school. All I want to do is the following:

I have 4 employees iin my dept. and for my department I am only allowed 120 hours for the week (total hours is an example). I want to be able to make a template for me and my associates with Sunday thru Saturday on the top, the name on on the far left and for each day placing for example
8 am - 4 pm the next cell should have total hours (8.0) that and so on for each day then after the days a total amount from sunday thru saturday of the hours worked which should be the row all the way to the right. After all employees are placed with their hours the row that has the total hours worked for the week for each employee, at the bottom the total hours from all of us put together... so I can see if I went over my total hours allowed for the week... We also take 30 minute lunch at any point so that should be added into it as well....

Employee Sunday Monday Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat total

total total

"ME" 8:00 - 4:00 pm (7.5) same same same same same same 37.5

"Carly" 8:00 - 4:00 pm (7.5) off 8:00 - 4:00 pm (7.5) off off off off 15.0



TOTAL 56.0