I am doing a data match project with 2 sets of data. I currently am running over 5 different vlookups based on unique keys I have created by concatenating various parameters and then indexing them using the countif function. Can someone help me consolidate this into one statement that can concatenate the keys I want, then do a simultaneous vlookup and return which ever match comes back? Sample Details below:

Column I - Key1: =CONCATENATE(AK2,"-",W2,"-",ROUNDUP(ABS(S2),0),"-",AD2)
Column J- Index Key1: =I2&COUNTIF($I$2:I2,I2)
Column K - Vlookup:=VLOOKUP(J2,CGMI!$K$1:$X$16511,13,FALSE)

This would be one Vlookup. I have different parameteres that I concatenate so im looking for a general statement I can use and add my other vlookups too. I want to run one Vlookup that incorporates multiple Vlookups and if one condition doesnt find a match, then run the second vlookup, and so one..

Appreciate any help