This will probably seem pretty simple but it's been kicking my behind all day.

I have a table formatted like this:

A11111 2000 .0055
A11111 3000 .0045
B22222 2500 .0060
B22222 5000 .0050

My input cells are: MODEL and VOLUME
The output should be the cost.

Using A11111 for MODEL from a drop down menu and entering a variable number into the VOLUME Field:

if the volume is less 3000 the cost should be .0055
if the volume is greater than 3000 the cost should be .0045

So, if I use A11111 for MODEL and 2500 for VOLUME the COST should be: .0055

Using this formula I can get an exact match:

I still need to be able to get the "in betweens". I cannot sort the table. Thanks for any help in advance!
