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Remove duplicate entries from one column and output it into another column using formulas

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  1. #1
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    Unhappy Remove duplicate entries from one column and output it into another column using formulas

    I been struggling to do this for sometime now.

    I have two sheets.

    I have one column in the first sheet which has duplicate entries. I want to keep this as it is.

    I want to create a new column in the second sheet, which is a copy of the column in the first sheet, but without the duplicate entries.

    I want to do all this using formulas and not macros, because I want the second sheet to update, as and when new entries are made in the first sheet.

    Also ideally I want the formula to apply to the entire column i.e for the 1048576 rows.

    To further illustrate:

    Sheet 1 has column A which has the following entries


    Sheet 2 should have the column A without the duplicates in column A of Sheet 1, which is:


    Thank you very much in advance, for taking the time to help me out.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Tony Valko's Avatar
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    Re: Remove duplicate entries from one column and output it into another column using formu

    This is relatively easy up to this part:

    I want the formula to apply to the entire column i.e for the 1048576 rows.
    That means you would potentially need 1048576 formulas to get the results.

    1048576 of the formulas needed to do this would bring the file to it's knees!

    Will you really have over 1 million rows of data?
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  3. #3
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    Re: Remove duplicate entries from one column and output it into another column using formu

    Well the second sheet will have lesser number of rows than the first sheet since it will be a column with the duplicates removed. And each entry in the column of the first sheet will be repeated a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 15 times. On an average 5 times at least. But even then, I will need to extend the formula quite a bit in the second sheet. At least 2000 times.
    Last edited by alrikvincent; 07-20-2013 at 10:23 PM.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert Tony Valko's Avatar
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    Re: Remove duplicate entries from one column and output it into another column using formu

    Try this and see if it's acceptable performance-wise.

    Create a dynamic range so the formulas are a bit more efficient and not having to look through a bunch of empty cells.

    Assume your data is on Sheet1 in column A starting at cell A2 downwards with no empty cells within the data range.

    Goto the Formulas tab>Define Name
    Name: MyRange (or whatever you want to call it)
    Refers to:



    Then, on Sheet2...

    Enter this label in cell A1: Count Of Uniques

    Enter this array formula** in cell B1. This will return the count of unique records in MyRange.


    Now, let's get the list of unique entries from MyRange.

    Enter this formula in cell A3:


    Enter this array formula** in A4:


    Copy down to a number of cells that is at least equal to the number in cell B1.

    ** array formulas need to be entered using the key
    combination of CTRL,SHIFT,ENTER (not just ENTER).
    Hold down both the CTRL key and the SHIFT key
    then hit ENTER.

  5. #5
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    Re: Remove duplicate entries from one column and output it into another column using formu

    Dear Tony,

    I tried doing what you told me. It doesn't seem to work. I think I must be doing something wrong though I followed your instructions to the dot. In the second sheet, the unique count seems to be wrong. I have attached the worksheet showing what I did.

    Regards, Alrik

    Dear Marvin

    That way of finding the unique values is not useful in my case because, I want the unique values to be found automatically, without running a macro. So when I update the original series, the second series has to be updated as well.
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  6. #6
    Forum Expert Tony Valko's Avatar
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    Re: Remove duplicate entries from one column and output it into another column using formu

    Quote Originally Posted by alrikvincent View Post
    Dear Tony,

    I tried doing what you told me. It doesn't seem to work.
    Because the data in your file is NUMERIC but the sample data you posted is TEXT.

    I wrote the formula to work on TEXT based on the sample data in your original post.

    What type of data will you have? Is it text? Numeric? Could be both? Something else?

  7. #7
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Remove duplicate entries from one column and output it into another column using formu

    Hi alrikvincent and welcome to the forum,

    If you learn how to do Advanced Filters, there is a check box to only filter to Unique values. No Macros AND no formulas. You simply need to use a feature built into Excel..

    http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/ex...010073943.aspx or

    or Bing "Excel Advanced Filter Unique"
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  8. #8
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Remove duplicate entries from one column and output it into another column using formu


    Try the attached that has two Dynamic Named Ranges, an Event Macro and a Module Macro that does Advanced Filter on Sheet2.

    This will solve your problem but uses Macros..... See if you can deal with an answer that works.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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