I wish I knew how to better describe what I'm trying to do lol.
I'll make the example easy to follow (I hope)
I have a workbook. Each sheet is labeled with a week. 07.15.13, 07.08.13 etc etc.
Within each week I have multiple sources of revenue so I break down by the day. It looks like this:
I have different formats such as Sports, News, Political, etc. and sources for each format, ESPN, CNN, MSNBC etc etc.
I then have a master sheet at the end which I use a Vlookup formula incorporating the indirect function in order to search via source and via date. The formula looks like this:
VLOOKUP($A$38,INDIRECT("'"&A42 & "'!$A$20:$C$10000"),3,FALSE)
A38 being the source
A42 being the date
This gives me a simple week by week comparison for each source like below:
What I'm trying to do on a new sheet is compile the data in multiple different ways. For example, I want to see how well the different formats did. So yeah, I could copy paste all the different formats by weeks together, and sum it, get my breakdowns like that but if I can somehow pull the data into a chart that would be much easier as I can sort it the way I need it.
Thanks in advance for any tips!