Dear all

I am a new user to the forum, and have already found your threads very useful!

I was hoping that you could help with this problem:

I have a spreadsheet with lots of students names (I am a teacher) and on each row there are the classes that they attend. Since each student does not attend every class, there are a lot of blanks in each row, as each class is listed in columns. I need a formula to extract the nth non-blank cell in a row, so I can extract the cells into a collection of columns based on each department in the school. For example, student A attends Art class 1, then there are 4 blanks and then they attend English class 2. Student B has a blank in their row, then they attend Art class 2, then 2 blanks as they attend English class 1. When all the data is extracted from each row, I should have a column for Art which is completely full, and below it should say 7Art1 (for student A), 7Art2 (for student B) etc. If I can extract the nth non-blank cell then I can tell the Art column to look for the 1st non-blank cell, the English column can look for the 2nd non-blank cell and so on...

I hope this makes sense.

Any help would be much appreciated!