I have a list with phrases followed by a lot of data.
The A column contains the phrase and in the row is the data connected to the phrase.
Now i have a new list of phrases wich contains all the old phrases in column A plus some new ones.
What i want is to look up the new list in the column AZ with the phrases in the A column. If its a match i want to copy the row with data and paste it to the right of the phrase in column AZ.
For example the phrase in AZ2 is "adresserad direktreklam". You can find that phrase in A2. Then i want to copy row (B2 - AV2) to the right of AZ2.
In cell AZ4 it says "adresserat utskick". You can´t find it in the A column so then we leave the cells to the right of AZ4 empty.