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shortest distance between a point and a line

  1. #1
    Forum Contributor stockgoblin42's Avatar
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    shortest distance between a point and a line


    I'm trying to formulate the shortest distance between a line and a point.

    Please see attahced picture for the formula.

    To translate it into Excel I'm having great difficulties and only getting #REF! as an outcome. Here's my attempt.

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    TinyTri!I4 = Px
    TinyTri!J4 = Py
    Paras!A1 = m
    Paras!C1 = c

    Does anyone have an eagle eye for bracket placement?
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    live logic & long prosper

  2. #2
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    Re: shortest distance between a point and a line

    Not sure if I have an "eagle eye" for bracket placement. Not sure a misplaced paranthesis would trigger a ref error, though it's certainly possible. I think you missed an asterix/multiplication symbol midway through (start of the 2nd term).

    If that's all it is, the rest of my post could be wasted space, but I know that building this kind of formula is always challenging, and even harder to debug. I know it isn't popular (we tend to think that a single cell is more efficient than multiple cells). I personally reject this definition of efficiency and would build a formula like this with multiple cells. For example, I note that the quantity Px+mPy-mc is used twice in the formula, would be easy to put into its own cell, and would also dramatically simplify the formula in the final cell. I also note that m^2+1 is used twice. I don't know about others' philosophies, but I prefer to program a spreadsheet so that each cell is relatively simple and easy to debug -- even if it means using 3 or 5 or 10 times as many cells as others would use. Even when I do want to eventually combine it all into a single cell, having several cells with the intermediate calculations is useful while building the complex, single cell formula as a means of testing the final result.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

  3. #3
    Forum Expert XOR LX's Avatar
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    Re: shortest distance between a point and a line


    This part: ...+((Paras!A1((TinyTri!I4...

    looks like it needs a mathematical operation of some sort (multiplication?) in there:


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  4. #4
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    Re: shortest distance between a point and a line

    Hi stockgoblin42,

    Check It and confirm ..




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