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Need Sheet that Calculates/Tracks Staff Time-Off & Paid Time Off Accrual

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    Excel 2003

    Need Sheet that Calculates/Tracks Staff Time-Off & Paid Time Off Accrual


    I work for a small non-profit and am trying to set up a spreadsheet that does the following.

    - Tracks how much time an employee takes off, either when using PTO or unpaid leave.
    - Calculates and tracks how much PTO they currently have, after subtracting what they have used.
    - Calculates PTO at the correct rate (based on how long they have been with the org), plus does not add PTO for unpaid leave.

    I have been playing with this for a while, but cannot seem to get exactly what I am looking for. I have attached the file I have been working with. One sheet is what I have been trying to create and the other is a sample of what we currently print and keep records on.

    If you have any ideas or can think of a better way to record this, please let me know.


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