It is difficult for me to explain my excel situation but I am sure I am not the first. I apologize if this problem has already been posted and solved. Here goes:
I have a spreadsheet with 2 tabs. The 2nd spreadsheet (tab) has a formula that links to the 1st spreadsheet (tab).
Here is the specific formula from the 2nd spreadsheet:
The 1st spreadsheet is named "hours" and the 2nd spreadsheet is named "g22".
When on the 2nd spreadsheet, I can drag that forumula down as always. However, if I do so, then cells change by 1 cell unit.
For example, this original formula:
Turns into this formula if I drag down 1 row:
Instead, I want the original formula to do this when I drag down 1 row:
Do you see the difference? I want it to jump 2 cell references instead of 1 cell reference. I don't know what this is called. I am sure specific terminology exists but I don't know it.
Could someone tell me what to do or at least point me in a good direction?
Thank you!