Can anyone help me on how to combine concatenate, if & and functions? I have attached an snapshot of the excel file I am working on. I want to add the if function in selecting if it is After Market Close and Before Market Close.
Can anyone help me on how to combine concatenate, if & and functions? I have attached an snapshot of the excel file I am working on. I want to add the if function in selecting if it is After Market Close and Before Market Close.
Last edited by medlock_1989; 06-29-2013 at 06:44 PM. Reason: will attach new file
Can you post the results you want to happen for the before/after market close situations?
Thanks for the reply! I will be attaching the excel sheet as adviced by martindwilson..
I have attached the excel file..In my formula I manually added AMC but I want it to be automated. Column D has After Market Close and Before Market CLose. I want to incorporate that into my formula whereas if it is After Market Close, then it will be AMC and if it is Before Market Close, then it is BMO..
please Post a WORKBOOK. Nobody wants to type data from a picture or paste text from your post into a spreadsheet as a prelude to helping. To attach a file, push the button with the paperclip (or scroll down to the Manage Attachments button), browse to the required file, and then push the Upload button.
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Martin Wilson: SPV
Thanks for the heads up! I will attach the excel file..
Using your posted workbook....
this regular formula inserts the appropriate acronyms:
G3: ="$ "&B3&" Earnings out "&INDEX({"AMC","BMO","TNS"},MATCH(D3,{"After Market Close","Before Market Open","Time Not Supplied"},0))&", EPS estimate "&C3
Is that something you can work with?
Your very welcome...I'm glad I could help.
Is Google spreadsheet compatible with Excel? Google spreadsheet probably has its own functions and function syntax and may not be compatible with the functions used in Excel.
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