Can you use sumifs with multiple criteria and a partial match?
I am get a value of zero when I should be getting a sum.
Can you use sumifs with multiple criteria and a partial match?
I am get a value of zero when I should be getting a sum.
Yes, you can use wildcards like that.
The syntax of your formula appears fine.
Could be many reasons for it to result in z
Can you post a sample book?
Could be the values in column E are not really numbers, but "numbers stored as text"
Could be none of the rows meet ALL 3 Criteria
THe formula works until I add the last criteria for the partial match.
OK, what's in Column A, and what's in T6 ?
Column A is my part numbers (ex 114234L32,114234L33) , T6 is the partial part number 114234L.
I think..
$A$2:$A$292,$T$3, $A$2:$A$292, "SomethingElse"
will never meet.. as you are checking both.. in same range..
try to add with OR..
something like..
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Another part number.
so you cant use a column twice in your criteria range when using SUMIFS?
OK, so as Roy said, column A can't be equal to BOTH T3 AND *T6*...
Unless T3 happens to contain T6.
Are you trying to do an OR criteria?
If A = T3 OR A = *T6*
no, trying sum parts numbers available per state. I have many same multiple parts with different revs, hence why am trying to use a partial match (T6)
So why are you checking column A for 2 different criteria?
What is in T3 and T6..
Don't say part numbers...
Actually copy the contents from the cells and paste them into the thread.
Or better yet, post a sample workbook.
Last edited by Jonmo1; 06-28-2013 at 03:44 PM.
Multiple part numbers for the same part 11823L300 (T3), 11923L is the partial
Thank you. It worked this time.
You're welcome.
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